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Strategic Innovation and Change

As a leader, you not only need the innovative idea, but an effective plan to implement and measure its success. In this certificate program, you’ll broaden and deepen your skills in strategic innovation, entrepreneurship, and change management. Organizations rely on their leaders to navigate change and develop strategic initiatives, so learn what it takes to thrive in an age of continual change.

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Top-ranked, career-focused education in a flexible online format.

At a Glance

Classes Next Begin
March 31

Term Length
10 Weeks

4 Course Certificate


6 Course Certificate


Evening or Online

Admission Details
Free Application. No GRE or GMAT

How Long to Finish
As quickly as 6 months. Access a sample schedule

How Long to Finish
As quickly as 9 months. Access a sample schedule

Top-Ranked University by U.S. News & World Report

Brian Cicero

Connect with an Advisor

Free Application


University College is committed to educational access, and given the difficult circumstances currently impacting millions of people, we are waiving application fees.

Featured Instructors

Skills You’ll Learn

Manage effective strategic planning processes

Conduct environmental scanning

Manage organizational change


Specialized Graduate Certificate in Strategic Innovation and Change requires completion of 16 credit hours (4 courses).

Concentration Courses
Concentration Courses

Focus on a specific professional area within the larger industry sector and master the skills needed to excel in that area.

ORL 4400 Leading Strategic Planning in Organizations
ICT 4100 Principles of Project Management
ORL 4420 Leading Change for Transformation
ORL 4530 Leading a Culture of Organizational Innovation

Graduate Certificate in Strategic Innovation and Change requires completion of 24 credit hours (6 courses).

Concentration Courses
Elective Courses

Concentration Courses

Focus on a specific professional area within the larger industry sector and master the skills needed to excel in that area.

ORL 4400 Leading Strategic Planning in Organizations
ICT 4100 Principles of Project Management
ORL 4420 Leading Change for Transformation
ORL 4530 Leading a Culture of Organizational Innovation

Elective Courses

Popular electives for students in the Organizational Leadership program include:

ORL 4110 Organization Development Models and Applications
ORL 4112 Organizational Development Interventions
ORL 4115 Organizational Culture and Organizational Development Impacts
ORL 4120 Team Effectiveness and Interventions
ORL 4125 Evaluate and Sustain Change
ORL 4170 Developing Human Capital in Organizations
ORL 4550 Strategic Organizational Partnerships
ORL 4980 Internship
HRA 4170 The Inclusive Organization
HRA 4500 Organizational Leadership, Team Effectiveness, and Communications
GS 4050 Diversity and Organizational Structure

Electives may be chosen from among all courses in the Organizational Leadership program. You may also select courses from other University College graduate programs with approval from the academic director.

Your academic advisor will help you select electives that align with your career and personal goals, and your advisor will obtain any necessary approvals from the academic director.


Interested in a master’s degree?

Explore our Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership with a concentration in Strategic Innovation and Change.

Take a Course Before You Apply


We know how important it is to get started when you’re ready. That’s why you can enroll in a course before you officially apply.

Career Opportunities

Select Job Titles

Change Specialist
Change Leader
Director of Strategy and Innovation
Human Resources Manager
Product Management Director
Project Manager
Strategic Innovation Officer

Business Development Analyst Salary: National Average



College of Professional Studies students have access to University of Denver Career Services including:

  • One-on-one career coaching and mock interviews
  • A job database dedicated to DU students and alumni
  • Resume and cover letter guidance

Check out our jobs tool to explore job postings, salaries, and top companies in your geographic area.



Higher Learning Commission

College of Professional Studies programs maintain the highest level of accreditation offered by The Higher Learning Commission, one of the regional accrediting bodies recognized by the federal government. The University of Denver and all its academic programs are regionally accredited by this commission, and regional accreditation is the highest standard for universities in the United States.

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